School Supplies
Below is a list of school supplies that are provided to each student and in every classroom. Families will need to provide their student with a backpack that is brought to school every day to carry their supplies and belongings.
Provided to all students Pencils Highlighters (5 colors) Colored pencils Spiral notebooks (1 per class) 3-ring binder Pencil pouch Dividers |
Provided in all classrooms Scissors Rulers Erasers Glue sticks Pencil sharpener Extra pencils Extra highlighters |
Families are able to purchase their own school supplies if they prefer a specific type of supply or want additional items. If your child needs support getting a backpack, we will have a small supply on hand on the first day of school.
If you have questions, please contact our front office at (253) 945-4600.
Graphic and scientific calculators will be available to check out as needed.