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Good News October 10, 2023

  • Good News Announcements
Good News October 10, 2023

Congratulations to 181 scholars from all our high schools in the 2023 graduating class who received the Seal of Biliteracy! This sets a Federal Way Public Schools record for the most scholars to receive the Seal of Biliteracy within our district.

The Seal of Biliteracy recognizes high school graduates who have demonstrated high levels of proficiency (reading, writing, and speaking) in one or more languages in addition to high levels of proficiency in English. The Seal of Biliteracy is important because it exemplifies the dedicated work and valuable skills they will bring into their career and college experiences.

Seal of Biliteracy 2023

Congratulations to Decatur High School scholar, Atticus Sweat for having his beautiful artwork selected by the City of Federal Way Arts Commission’s “Traffic Graffic” Utility Box Art Program!

Atticus’ artwork is now being displayed on the utility box on 320th street, right outside of Decatur High School. It is now one of 35 decorated utility boxes in the Federal Way area.

Atticus Sweat and his Utility Box Art

Congratulations to our Employment and Transition Program scholars on their completion of the second installment of a four-year video series for the Ability Awareness project!

The Ability Awareness project is a partnership between KBTC and the Federal Way Public Schools Employment Transition Program. The goal of the project is to provide neurodivergent youth and those with disabilities the opportunity to share their voices through the creation of short-form videos that address life skills needed by all young people as they transition to the world of employment and independent living.

Employment Transition Program KBTC Video Series


Congratulations to our Federal Way scholar athletes for winning the Washington State Little League Senior Baseball Tournament and advancing to the West Region Tournament!

The team was composed of scholars from Decatur High School, Federal Way High School, Thomas Jefferson High School, Illahee Middle School, and Lakota Middle School. It is the first time a Senior baseball team from Federal Way National Little League has made a Regional Tournament.

Little League Senioir Baseball West Regionals

Congratulations to Federal Way Public Schools Bus Drivers, Cristina Parker, and Laura Ruiz Velasco for placing 2nd in the 2023 Washington Association for Pupil Transportation ROAD-E-O School Bus Safety Competition in the Special Needs category earlier this summer!

Our amazing drivers demonstrated in-depth knowledge and skill in school bus safety, pre-trip inspection, driving, and techniques in multiple competition events to exemplify the best abilities to safely transport students.

FWPS Bus Drivers Road E O